Fluorite and mental clarity-I need this stone!!

Fluorite and mental clarity-I need this stone!!

Check out the amazing effects of Fluorite!! Keep reading to find out more.
Seraphinite, Nephrite Jade and Matte Black Onyx-Calling out to me!! Reading Fluorite and mental clarity-I need this stone!! 1 minute

Fluorite is one of my favourite go-to stones, and for many reasons.  Fluorite helps with all mental tasks and supports order, focus, clarity, and mental integration.

Fluorite is an amazing protection stone as well.  It works with all Chakras, grounding and stabilizing energies. It allows energy to flow and removes stuck stagnant energy.  It absorbs negative energy like a shield, so make sure to clear it often.

It connects you to your higher self and to Source.  Fluorite heightens intuitive powers and connects us to the higher spirit within us. Putting us in touch with a universal consciousness, fluorite reminds us that we are part of something bigger. It is also believed to ground energy, reduce pain, and assist in the healing of respiratory issues, arthritis, and skin problems.

Give it a try, let me know your thoughts.

